Top 5 Workouts to Cure Upper Back Pain

Upper Back Pain

Sitting in the same posture for your desk job without thinking about posture and regular exercise means you are inviting back pain. Most people sit in the same spot and when they have to work on their computer, they try to get to eye level with their screen. During this process, rather than adjusting the screen of their laptop or the height of their seat, they try to lower their own posture so they can easily see the screen. As a result of this, sitting at the same spot is a very difficult posture, they get tired easily, the stiffness in their muscles gets worse and over time, this pain and posture issues get worse and you notice a hunch.

Why Do You Have Upper Back Ache And Neck Stiffness?

Most people in this situation never talk about the importance of their own posture and how they need to fix their sitting issues. Before working out it is very important to start by analyzing the way you sit and the type of chair you have for sitting. In case you find anything wrong with your chair, adjust it right away. Another important thing is to look at your posture as you sit and work. The best way is to either tell someone else to look at you when you sit or just take a posture of your side posture. This will offer you enough insight that you will be able to notice if there is something wrong with your posture. After all these things, focus on the way you handle your body and adjust your feet’ height as well. In case you need foot rest under your table, get it right away. There are some companies also making seat back cushions that help you align your posture easily. 

With the help of this article, we will help you improve your posture as well as list down some simple exercises that will help you get rid of upper back pain and the neck stiffness that is causing this pain.

Top 5 Exercises to Help You Get Rid Of Upper Back Pain

These exercises are simple and effective and also they don’t require any equipment. You can perform all these exercises even when you are sitting on a chair.

Neck Roll

Neck roll is another important exercise that you can use. You just need to move your neck from left to right and then right in front of you and then tilt it to your back.

Neck Roll

Shoulder 360

For this exercise, you will shrug your shoulders and then move them up and down since there is a ball and socket joint you will be able to revolve easily.

Overhead Arms

You have to raise your hands above your head and curl your left hand on the right side and move your upper body on that side as well.

Overhead Arms

Neck Left and Right

This is also very simple and you don’t need any equipment. You just sit upright and then slightly bend your neck so your left ear can meet your left shoulder. Now repeat the same for the other side as well.

Upper Body Flow

For this exercise, you will sit on your chair and then extend both your arms left and right. After that, you have to use your arms and neck to hang loosely from the back of the chair. Now, act like you are rowing air as it flows. This will eventually help you work on your strength as well as stiffness that is causing pain.

Bottom Line

To sum it all up, there are so many different exercises that you try, however, it is better to take help from a professional who can analyze your posture and the reason behind this pain. In most cases, people have pain because of the sitting position, however, in most cases, the pain is simply because you either don’t have enough flexibility in your upper back to support your sitting posture for too long or you don’t have good enough equipment. The quality of the chair, the way your seating back works and other details also play a very important role, so you have to look for a holistic approach.


Written by Admin

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