What Makes A Great Maternity Hospital?

Choosing a maternity hospital is one of the most significant decisions for the health of a family. These hospitals provide an essential service during the pregnancy, assist in childbirth and help care for the child and mother after birth. The challenge is that, with a wealth of hospitals in India, it can be a daunting task for anyone to choose the best maternity hospitals out of the myriad choices available to them. So as to ensure that you are not lost in the wealth of choice, there are some things that you should focus on when choosing. These are factors that go beyond the simple and obvious such as having qualified doctors and extensive facilities.

Service by staff

The staff of the maternity hospital such as the nurses will be the ones that determine the level of service that you are provided with. Many of the interactions in a maternity hospital between patients and staff are usually done between patients and nurses. Best maternity hospitals, therefore, make an effort to ensure that they get staff which is well trained in patient care and customer service. This means that the services will be delivered in a professional, courteous and caring manner. This can make all the difference when you are in labor and in pain.

Follow up services

Some of the best maternity hospitals will provide an extra service to ensure that women who have delivered recently are followed up on. This is the care at home service that will enable them to send a medical service provider such as a nurse over to the home of the woman who just delivered. This follow up service is vital to ensure that both the mother and the child are doing well after the delivery and that there haven’t been any complications.

Care at home private service

A good maternity hospital is also able to deliver medical health services to the patients at their homes if they are requested to. This is the main form of care at home service. This enables the patient who does not truly need a high level of specialized care or equipment to be treated and cared for from the comfort of their own home. This can be an excellent service for people who are not interested in visiting hospitals. When it comes to maternity facilities, the most notable thing to look for is the services they provide and how they provide them. This will enable you to identify the best hospitals from the many available. 


The Next Great Pandemic Infographic

Throughout history, the human race has survived several epidemics. With each disease came different symptoms, treatments and prognoses. Some had bigger impacts than others; some were fought with medicine while others became immune. Is the zombie trend just a tactic to sell movies, or is it foreshadowing of a mass disease that we could be faced with? Here’s an infographic that will walk you through what out breaks have occurred, the affect it had on us and what might be the next great pandemic.

 The Next Great Pandemic Infographic


How Can One Prevent The Embarrassment Of Stress Incontinence?

So the new fall season of television is about to reach the airwaves, which means all of our favorite sitcoms are back! From Big Bang Theory to a New Girl, a ton of laughter is about to be had from the viewing public. Unfortunately, for some, laughter can cause a little bit of embarrassment. Have you ever heard the phrase, “I laughed so hard I just peed my pants.”? While this common phrase is meant to be figurative, for some, it could actual be a literal situation that could cause them to run for an exit.

Stress incontinence is a common condition that can inflict people of any age. It is a condition where individuals can’t handle sustained pressure on their bladders. When the abdomen experiences events and activities like laughter, coughing, exercise and sneezing, it can push urine to the bladder. For most people, this is fine, but for those with weak pelvic muscles or a damaged sphincter, it can result in complete embarrassment in the form of leaked urine.

There are a wide variety of circumstances that can cause stress incontinence. For women, the most common reason is pregnancy. Stress incontinence develops often due to a change in the body and pregnancy as well as menstruation and menopause are often culprits. However, this is not the only way the body can change. Surgery is another key cause of stress incontinence – as is smoking due to a chronic cough that can be developed from chronic bronchitis and asthma.

No matter the reason, those with stress incontinence are looking for a way to prevent the embarrassment and shame that can occur from the condition. Here are several ways that individuals can safeguard against these feelings:

  • Incontinence Briefs: If you’re looking for a non-invasive way to prevent urine leakage from affecting your life, you might want to try incontinence briefs. They are worn underneath your clothing and underwear and provide a secure way for you to hide the condition without feeling embarrassed.
  • Kegel exercises: You can also try strengthening your pelvic muscles, which can certainly help to reduce leakage. In order to do a Kegel exercise, pretend that you’re trying to hold in your urine or gas. Your pelvis muscles will contract. Overtime, they will strengthen and your body might get used to the added pressure. If you go this route, you should do Kegel exercises every day.
  • Weight Loss: Unfortunately, those who are overweight are more likely to have stress incontinence due to added pressure on the inner organs. If you’re suffering from this condition, you might be able to prevent incidences from losing a few pounds.
  • Surgery: As a last ditch effort, you can elect to have surgery. Surgeries, such as retro pubic suspensions and sling procedures, may work and they’re minimally invasive.

There’s no reason why you can’t laugh or cough again and then be forced to excuse yourself. Although, stress incontinence can be an annoying condition, it doesn’t have to be a life sentence. By considering these measures, you can enjoy a regular life and not worry if you should leave the room.


Best Ways To Care For Your Teeth

Creative ideas to get a clean smile

There are many ways to get a beautiful smile. Of course brushing and flossing your teeth every day will help, but there are more non-traditional ways that you can have a healthy and happy smile. These tips can help:

Wear dark colors

Wearing darker colors can actually help make your face and your teeth look brighter and darker colors such as natural earth tones can inspire more brightness in your overall look. For example women who wear darker lip shade colors such as red, deep pink or rose, often have smiles that look more attractive and clean. The movie industry will do this trick often to make the actress's look more healthy. 

Change your toothpaste flavor 

Changing your toothpaste flavor can be a great way to get a healthy smile. If you stick with the flavor of mint or spearmint, you could become bored with the flavor. If you use it all the time you could be brushing your teeth too fast and rushing through the process. This can be unhealthy for your teeth. Rushing through the process will ensure that you're not getting a good enough cleansing process. But by changing your toothpaste flavor you will enjoy the new flavor and most likely brush longer. Because the human body naturally craves change and naturally you will brush your teeth longer.

Visit your dentist

Chances are you may visit your dentist when you have a toothache or something is bothering you in your mouth, but seeing your dentist regularly, at least twice a year can help prevent these types of problems from happening in the first place. Having a beautiful smile is about taking care of your teeth and that starts with being proactive, your dentist can help you keep your mouth clean.

Eat fresh greens

Since you were a child, you have probably heard that eating green vegetables is one of the best ways to stay healthy but most people don't talk about how good green vegetables are for your teeth.
Whether you use a juicer to get your greens or you eat salads, chances are you're not getting enough greens into your diet. Greens are not only good for your body but they improve your smile because they are healthy and loaded with antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. Having healthy teeth means having strong teeth and getting calcium in your body with green vegetables and dairy products can help improve the quality of your mouth.

When you take care of your teeth, you feel healthier and you want to smile more. Smiling is one of the best ways to approach other people and feel good in your body.

Making healthy choices is important not only for you but for your friends and family. When you start to take better care of your body, the people around you will see the positive changes and they will also want to be healthier. This is a social effect of taking care of you. Which means that essentially you and your loved ones can all get healthier together? Spending quality time together with your loved ones can also improve the quality of your health and you will naturally wan

Shannon Kaiser has natural white teeth, and she uses all of these tips she shares in this article to create a beautiful smile. She consulted with their friend who is a dentist inNewberg Oregon for tips for this article. 


7 Vitamin-Rich Foods You Should Be Eating To Be Healthy

In this article you will find the 7 healthiest foods that are packed full of vitamins of all kinds!

You're probably familiar with certain foods that you know are good for you, but do you know why they are good for you? It's extremely important to get vitamin rich foods in your body each day. These provide you with the necessary nutrients to have healthy functioning organs and body functions. Below you will find the 7 healthiest foods that are packed full of vitamins of all kinds!

1. Pumpkin Seeds


These seeds are tasty and can be flavored in a variety of different ways. Although these are high in calories, they are also high in a variety of nutrients and vitamins. These include: iron, vitamin c, vitamin k, vitamin b6, magnesium, calcium and fiber. They are also packed full of protein so they can work as a snack that makes you feel full.

2. Salmon

If you want to eat a healthy fish, then salmon should be it. This is low in saturated fat and high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are great for brain and heart health. Salmon is also full of vitamin a, calcium, vitamin c, vitamin b6, vitamin b12 and magnesium. It's best to bake this with low-sodium seasonings, but you can also steam it.

3. Spinach

One cup of spinach is low in calories and high in vitamins. The nutrients in it include: vitamin a, vitamin b6, magnesium, calcium, vitamin c and iron. You can eat this cooked in a variety of recipes or in a salad with protein on top of it. This is also a food that is low in carbohydrates, so it's great for anyone who is dieting.

4. Avocado

Avocado is one super food that is definitely worth taking advantage of. It's low in carbohydrates but high in potassium and healthy fats. It's also got vitamins and nutrients in it including: vitamin c, iron, vitamin b6, magnesium, vitamin e and copper.

5. Quinoa

If you're looking for a healthy carbohydrate to take the place of rice or pasta, then try quinoa. It's a great choice because it's high in protein, is a slow burning carb and has a lot of vitamins in it. The calcium, vitamin b6, magnesium and iron in this will all help make your body healthier and more active.

6. Sweet Potato

This is a great alternative to regular potatoes that is high in magnesium, vitamin a, vitamin c, iron, vitamin b6 and potassium. It's something you can put in a variety of recipes, and it's healthier than regular potatoes. Try these out and enjoy a nice snack that has an earthy and sweet taste to it.

7. Kale

If you're not eating kale, then you need to start! It's a versatile leaf that can be used in a variety of different recipes. It's packed full of vitamin c, vitamin a, calcium, vitamin b6, magnesium, iron and more. Try this baked in the oven or raw in a salad and your body will thank you for all the nutrients.

Now you know foods that contain all necessary vitamins. Try to consume them more and you will be healthy!

Daniel has been contributing his advice about fitness, sport equipment and health to JackedGorilla.com, which is a site where readers can find useful tips and advice to be healthier each day.


Quitting Smoking With Electronic Cigarettes

It is possible to quit smoking with electronic cigarettes as they can complement other methods of giving up smoking such as gum and patches.

Electronic cigarettes have been on the market for a relatively short time but already they have quite a following. It has been estimated that there are well over a million users – although this is compared to 9 million smokers – and not all of them only use e-cigarettes. Some of this number also smoke tobacco or use tobacco substitutes such as patches, sprays or gum as an aid to quitting smoking. Some also use e-cigs as a means to smoke when out of the house although with legislation catching up fast, this option may well be closing. Most users argue that since the reason for banning smoking in public places was to prevent secondary smoking, electronic cigarettes should not be banned but the argument goes deeper than that.

Do electronic cigarettes re-normalize smoking?

There are many arguments on the question of whether vaping (as smoking an electronic cigarette is called) encourages smoking but the general consensus seems to be that it doesn't. Peer pressure is the reason most people give for starting to smoke and with far fewer young smokers now beginning to smoke that pressure is far less. Also, if a young person vapes a flavored electronic cigarette, the flavor can be anything from watermelon to popcorn and after that a real cigarette would come as a nasty surprise – from that point of view, vaping could be said to be likely to put youngsters off smoking if anything. The problem many people have with giving up is that they don’t have anything to do with their hands – e-cigs give them something to fiddle with which gets them over that hurdle, so in that respect, they are a good aid to quitting smoking.

What about the chemicals

Electronic cigarettes are thoroughly checked and recent legislation has brought them under the umbrella of the UK body which is in overall charge of medicines and medical products. This means that any changes to the chemical constituents in electronic cigarettes will need to be passed by them so essentially you can be sure that they will always be safe from now on because they will be rigorously checked. Oncologists who specialize in lung cancers are convinced that with more people using e-cigs all the while that deaths from cancer and smoking related diseases will fall steadily from now on. Because people find it easier to quit smoking when they have something which mimics all of the social side as well as the nicotine hit, vaping should mean that more quitters will succeed. Many people vape socially because it makes them feel more of a group than going outside to smoke a cigarette in the cold and damp. With winter coming on, there will be a sharp increase in the use of e-cigs and most people who try them carry on and eventually become successful non-smokers although some keep up using nicotine free electronic cigarette.

Although the use of electroniccigarettes appears to be controversial, they appear to be a good help in quitting smoking.

Rob Steen is a freelance copywriter who is an expert in healthcare questions.He sometimes writes for electronic cigarette supplier Prestige-Vaping.